ACE Hardware Success Story

It only took one month for an ACE Hardware store to discover how effective DIGIOP’s technology is.

An ACE Hardware franchise in the northwest was already using DIGIOP’s video management system, ELEMENTS. The franchisee asked DIGIOP for help integrating their video footage with their point-of-sale data, a function that is now a standard feature in DIGIOP CARBON. As soon as video was paired with POS exception reports, ACE management discovered an employee was stealing cash.

Read on to learn how DIGIOP was able to help ACE Hardware save thousands of dollars.

January 1:

DIGIOP integrated video footage with POS data.

January 28:

In roughly three weeks, a trend emerged: One cashier had three times more cash opens than other cashiers. Video footage from that worker’s shifts showed the suspect pointing lasers at the cameras and violating several ACE Hardware policies.

February 2:

The store reported multiple shortages in the change fund. Aggregated data collected by DIGIOP software showed the shortages had occurred on the suspect’s work dates.

Using the camera’s zoom function, ACE leadership could see that the suspect was palming money and putting his clenched fists in his pockets – and that he had done so on 11 different occasions. The managers were then able to confront the employee with ample evidence.


The suspect admitted to stealing money during his shifts. Video surveillance evidence and investigation reports made the case strong enough to press charges and secure an agreement to pay back the stolen funds and the investigative costs.

In one month, DIGIOP’s technology was able to detect and document employee theft – had he not been caught, that employee likely would have continued to steal from his employer.


DIGIOP is a pioneering software development company specializing in loss prevention and video management solutions for retailers. DIGIOP ELEMENTS software allows for easy review of video footage, and its cloud-based interface makes it accessible from anywhere (even your smartphone). Internal theft is the fastest growing and largest segment for loss in the retail sector. Let us help protect your store from falling victim to a similar scheme. Contact us today at 1-800-968-3606 or at for a DEMO of our DIGIOP solution.