Your point-of-sale system is more than just a cash drawer. It contains a dizzying array of data about your customers, your sales trends, and employee behavior. But making sense of that data is a challenge, and most managers don’t have hours a day to review POS exception reports.
So how do you get the insights you need from your POS system? You decide which types of transactions you want to evaluate, and you get software that does most of that work for you.
Setting a Baseline
The first thing you need to calculate is a baseline or benchmark for “normal” behavior. For example, what is the median number of refunds your cashiers process in a shift? Once you know that figure, it’s easy to see when and if any cashier deviates dramatically from the norm.
In addition to refunds, POS transactions associated with employee theft include:
- Voids
- No-sales
- Drawer opens
- Promotions or coupon codes
- Suspended transactions
- Over rings/under rings
- Employee purchases and discounts
Detecting Patterns
If managers don’t have time to look at exception reports, they definitely don’t have time to detect recurring trends. That’s why you need software that shows you POS transaction anomalies and employee trends.
DIGIOP CARBON software provides succinct transaction reports that managers can review daily in 20 minutes or less. You set your parameters, and we’ll provide you with the information you need to run your enterprise. As we learn more about your business, the DIGIOP software will become smarter, helping to more quickly identify and pinpoint problem areas.
Don’t let that data go to waste. Contact DIGIOP today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals and reduce loss.